West Chatham Food Pantry

About Us
The West Chatham Food Pantry is a 501(c)3 established in 2007. We are an all volunteer pantry whose sole purpose is to help feed the hungry throughout Chatham County. Since opening our doors, qualifying families have been able to receive food from our facility every 14 days, if needed.
Beginning May 22nd, 2023 our pantry opened featuring a more self-service, grocery store like experience. Many very positive comments have been expressed by guests to the pantry regarding this new distribution model.
We have been faithfully supported by area churches, businesses, civic organizations, and individuals. Thank's to their generosity, we are able to provide for the need in our community.
Mission Statement
To feed the hungry and food insufficient by providing a food pantry through a network of faith-based communities, civic organizations and other stakeholders.
Our Values
Our organization's overriding purpose is to supplement healthy, fresh and nutritious food for qualified families and individuals in Chatham County who lack the means to purchase these foods and to increase the number of Chatham County clients served.
Feeding our community one donation at a time